Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Mommy I Didn't Intend To Be

i always wanted to be a mommy. But not only a mommy, a supermommy. i wanted to be the mommy who held her baby just enough. Who had my baby sleep trained and sleeping through the night at 10 weeks. A mommy who had the kitchen always clean, the laundry always caught up, and dinner always homemade and ready when hubby got home. i thought that i would be the mommy who had a perfect schedule, who kept everything organized, and who had a happy baby.

Well, i have a happy baby! Which i think is the most important thing on that list! He is happy. He squeals with delight all throughout the day, gives me lots and lots of smiles and giggles and loves to cuddle. and i love to cuddle him.

During pregnancy i read all the "right books" and had it all planned out. But God had another plan in mind. He knew that i needed to finally be broken of my "control" - something that i've been trying to do myself for years (you see? controlling). He knew that i needed this little baby, my baby C! He knew that he wouldn't be a baby that could be put on a perfect little schedule. He knew that baby C would be a big eater and one that would need to eat more often on mommy's milk. And He knew that this mommy's heart couldn't take the "cry it out" method. But i didn't. i planned for a textbook that would do what "the books" said. One that would do what was on the above list....

Now this isn't about judging anyone. This isn't about saying which mommies are right and which are wrong. This is about doing what is right for you. If my mommy's heart can't take the cries then i know that i must pick up my baby, hold him, snuggle him, and let him know that everything is alright. i also feed him when he is hungry. i don't watch the clock, i watch him. i listen to his cues and i do what i need to do. This was a learning curve for me, but i have learned that this is what works for us. i may not get much done some days, but i get a lot of cuddles and smiles and that is what matters to me at the end of my day.
i have been reading a lot about "attachment parenting". It is a type of parenting that i wanted to avoid. Why? Well, i had read it would spoil my baby. All the "right books" said that i would be creating a that would be dependent on others and need me too much.

Well, that ended quickly. i slowly started becoming one of these parents i was trying to avoid being.

When we brought baby home he was on a demand-feeding schedule. i fought so hard to get baby C out of his bad habits that were created in the NICU that i wanted to feed him as much as i could. It was frustrating at first, but i realized how much this was important to do and i wanted what was best for us.

Another thing i began doing was co-sleeping. It was for my sanity! Once baby was strong enough to eat while i slept, i let him! i would put him next to me in bed, let him eat, and i would fall back asleep. Before i knew it, it was morning and we were both in bed - together. Today we still end up co-sleeping throughout the night. He starts out in his own bassinet, next to our bed, and then i pick him up when he is hungry and if we both fall asleep, we both sleep!

i discovered that i was doing what other parents do who follow "attachment parenting". i was so quick to judge before i had baby C and now i have realized that it is the parent that i've become. it is what works for us. And what i have created is a happy baby and a happy mommy. i feel good about our days. i feel close to my baby. And i'm not regretting anything.

Like i said, this isn't at all to judge others. But i want to get the message out that as mommy's we should never feel guilty about how we parent our children. We all have that maternal instinct. We all have that mommy's heart as soon as we know that we are carrying our baby. We become the mommy that God intended us to be - and this is not something that we should ever feel guilty for. My instincts told me to parent my child in a certain way. i listened to my heart. i listened to my baby. As long as i feel good about the way i'm raising my baby i know that it is what is best for the both of us.

i hope that all mommies can find their comfy momma styles. i hope that we can uplift one another and understand that our mommy hearts are all united. We all have the same purpose - to raise our babies to be happy!

Project 52: 5 HARD WORK (and week 6...)

So this is a little late....

i was so on top of things last week and had this saved in a folder and then never got to it! So i'm not going to beat myself up about it....i'm using this for week 5 and 6! Because motherhood is hard work and it can take up two weeks for sure!!
This was me...last week. i decided that if i couldn't get baby C down for a nap to get my stuff done that he would just have to do it with me! He hasn't been a big fan of the baby carrier, but seemed to enjoy it that day. Thank God! We got a lot done...swept the house, vacuumed and even dusted a bit! Yay for us!
Lately i've been reading many articles about motherhood and how stay at home moms "don't get anything done". They have almost all brought me to tears because of the hard truth they tell. But it is so worth it! That's the moral every time! It is all so worth it. All the hard work, all the moments that i don't get things done. All the moments when baby C just wants to be held - i know these moments will end. And then i'll be sad. So i will soak them all up while i can!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Project 52:4 COLORFUL

baby C and i went to visit family for almost a whole a little behind on my blog and want to catch up.

Here is week 4....seems like time is going by so slowly when i think of it only being week 4 of the year but i know that time is going to fly and i will be wondering how it went by so fast!
i love this photo of baby C. Love the colors and all his toys around him. He is loving his independent play time these days - which is wonderful for mommy! i can try to get things done around the house while he plays. i love getting down on the floor and playing with him. Today daddy was on the floor doing tummy time with him - it was so cute! i wish i could have captured a photo of that but i didn't get the camera in time.

Life is moving forward. Just 18 weeks ago i couldn't imagine being here - 4 months old! WOW! My baby is growing up fast and keeping up with him is such a joy!

Friday, January 17, 2014


We have officially started cloth diapers! i am loving them! Was worried at first with the time commitment and the extra laundry but have found that they are so much simpler than i had imagined!

We started using them on Sunday (a big thank you to sis-in-law for helping me with the whole prepping process) and we have only had to do one load of laundry so far. It is going great!
Mommyhood is so much fun! i am loving my little man and his personality. It is starting to show more and more and it is so cute! His smiles are contagious and he is starting to find his laugh - adorable! i am learning more and more every day and have come to the conclusion that me and baby C don't work on a schedule. We go with the flow and that is just fine! As long as i have one happy baby and a rested, happy momma we are good to go!

He is definitely an extension of me these days. i love the fact that i can give him what he needs and nothing can hold us back from getting things done. That was a learning process, but we have figured it out and life is much easier!

i find that i am learning things every day. It is exciting, but also stressful at times.

Just this week, hubby and i began having date night. Baby C's aunties came to watch him! It is so nice having family close and willing to help! And it was definitely nice getting out of the house and spending some one on one time together. Much needed and appreciated! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Challenges - Weekly Weigh-In

Something that i decided to spend some Christmas money on was a FitBit. A few of my friends had one and i wanted to join in on the fun of trying to get the most steps...a great motivator! 

This is a screenshot of my account as of 1pm today. My goal is to get the next badge - the first one is 5,000 steps/day, the next is 10k! i'm well on my way but have a ways to go...
i am feeling great! i have been working out twice a day and trying to squeeze in a walk with baby C in the afternoon. I feel smaller even though the scale doesn't say so yet. i'm thinking it is just muscle right now - after all, muscle does weigh more! 

i am doing something called "Bikini Body Mommy Challenge". This is a challenge i found on Instagram. i am loving the work-outs that are geared towards new moms, but anyone can do them! i just love how it is set up for the convenience and intensity for women who have just had babies and not so much time on our hands. i recommend it to anyone, but especially new mommies who want to start getting back into shape! It is a 90 day challenge and we just finished Day 10!

Hubby and i are still plugging away at Insanity. We are well into our 2nd week and we are definitely working for these results. The intensity of the program is CRAZY but the payoff is amazing. And you feel great afterwards - always a bonus! 

i love that we are doing this together - not only is it time well spent, but we are motivating each other and any journey together is a bonding one!
i'm thinking i' may post some update photos next week...we will see. i keep saying that i still have a lot of work to do but i am seeing the results which is the best motivation to keep going!

Until next time...ta ta for now! 

Friday, January 10, 2014


i captured this picture during our family worship time last Friday evening. Every night we bathe baby C and then he sits on daddy's lap as he reads him a story. This is one of my favorite times of the day! Not only because baby C enjoys it, but also because i get to witness this! 

i can't begin to describe how my heart feels when i get to see how much baby C loves his daddy! Moments like these are so priceless!
Becoming a mommy has been many things, but heartwarming is one of the best! Every day i am feeling more love for baby C. i can't wait to see just how many more moments this year had to offer! Here we are, only week 2, and i am loving 2014 already!